​Health Package

​​Advanced Cancer Screening

​Advanced cancer screening by Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) involves the detection and analysis of cancer cells that have shed from a primary tumor and ... 

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​​Advanced Lipid Profile

​For people with high fat and want to know in-depth information on the risk of causing vascular abnormalities Risk of heart disease The need to use fat-reducing drugs

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​Basic Cancer Screening

​Basic cancer screening, also known as tumor marker testing, involves the analysis of specific substances produced by cancer cells or released ... 

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​​Biological Age Test

​By understanding epigenetic patterns, individuals and healthcare providers can identify potential risk factors for disease, optimize lifestyle ... 

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​Genetic Test

​Genetic testing can help individuals make informed decisions about their health, such as implementing preventive measures or seeking .... 

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​Hormone Test

​Hormone testing can help identify hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, which may contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood ...

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​​Inflammation Marker

​These tests provide valuable information about the body's immune response and can help identify underlying inflammatory conditions, ...

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​​Metabolic Test

​By analyzing metabolic data, healthcare professionals can tailor personalized nutrition and exercise plans to improve overall health and wellness.  ...

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​Micronutrient Test

​​By measuring micronutrient levels through blood or urine samples, healthcare providers can identify specific deficiencies and tailor ...

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​Mitochondria & Metabolism

​By measuring mitochondrial function, healthcare providers can assess cellular energy production, identify mitochondrial dysfunction associated...

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