The Longevist started with the intention and goal to make Thai people have access to medical care. To have a good quality of life(health span) including a long lifespan (Lifespan) by using science Longevity medicine The doctor wants to start by setting clear health care goals together. Can clearly measure the results of improved health in various areas.Especially the part related to quality of life. whether it be sleep, energy, memory Digestion, excretion, and emotional and mental health.
To make each person have a good quality of life,Not just treatment from doctors But you have to start with basic health behaviors.Whether it's eating good food exercise stress management Proper sleep time arrangement
For those who are still strong The doctor will provide health care. Down to the level of the cell To prevent aging at the cellular level According to the principles of Hallmarks of aging
For those who begin to have congenital disease The doctor will provide individualized care to reduce the use of medication to the minimum necessary.Or you can stop taking the medicine and recover from chronic disease, whether it be diabetes or high blood pressure. High fat, heart disease, autoimmune disease or even Improving quality of life in cancer patients